Break Bad habits – 21 Day Program To Breaking Bad Habits

February 28, 2022 - Comment

“Lee Milteer is the teacher who has changed my life and improved my attitude.” “Thank you for changing my life and giving my life back to me! You were wonderful. As an entrepreneur I was working too hard, had poor time management, trying to be all things to all people and overweight with a BAD attitude.…

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“Lee Milteer is the teacher who
has changed my life and improved my attitude.”

you for changing my life and giving my life back to me!
were wonderful. As an entrepreneur I was working too hard, had poor
time management, trying to be all things to all people and
overweight with a BAD attitude.

My wife bought your program for me and I was shocked at how I had
let myself get into this state of overwork and how I had been taking
my frustration out on my kids and wife.

Since I started your program, I
have improved my relationships with my family, clients, and myself.
now have a lifestyle that supports me in a prosperous way.

All I can say to anyone who is trying to decide if your Habit
Busting system will work for them is this: Give yourself the gift of
releasing the past and starting a brand new future. Lee
Milteer is the teacher who has changed my life and improved my
. It was a small investment for a large return!
Thank you with all my heart!”

Teddy Willis, Dallas , Texas

type of material should have been offered to everyone in the school

“How can I express my gratitude for the information you shared in
your wonderful program Habit Busting? Truly
a virtuoso performance!
type of material should have been offered to everyone in the school
system. I had lots of bad habits and bad attitudes. Once I started
listening to your program, I
could not get over how EASY it was to change.

All the diets and self-improvement programs I have used in the past
had a limited effect on me. Your
system helped me go back to the root of my problems
helped me for the very first time understand exactly why I had
failed in all my attempts before.

It’s shocking how easy it has been for me to change my life and
change my future with your information. I
have learned that nothing can stop me from the exciting future I
 for myself
and my family. You are a blessing from God. Thank you.”

Nancy Williams, Va. Beach , Virginia

“I have changed my habits from negative ones
to positive ones and my family thinks I am a new person.”

“I could not be happier! I have lost 10 pounds already and
only have a few more to go. I have changed my habits from negative
ones to positive ones and my family thinks I am a new person.

was very pleased with the depth of your knowledge and your wonderful
humor. I totally
recommend this program to any woman who wants to FEEL empowered and
in charge of her life again!!”

Patti Ehlers, Charlotte , North Carolina

“Lee, you received the highest evaluations of
anyone’s programs we have ever used in our office.”

“Lee, you received the highest evaluations of anyone’s programs we
have ever used in our office. One of the programs that really hit
home was yourHabit Busting: How to Break Any Habit in 21
 At first
people laughed and said no one could change bad habits in 21 days.
Yet, people in our office who took your program home and used it
proved them wrong.

They did break the old habits and transferred those old behaviors
into new ones. Our
office staff just voted you the #1 person they wanted to come speak
to us in-person next year.
Thank you for your educational, informative, life changing

William J. Graham, Columbus Ohio

“I suggest any woman who is feeling
overwhelmed invest in this program because it will change your

“Habit Busting has helped me stop being a perfectionist and working
myself to death. Thanks to this incredible program I
have given myself permission to stop trying to please everyone and
for once in my life start living for me. 

Lee Milteer is a great coach and I have many other programs
she has produced and I love them all.
has given me the tools to become the woman I wanted to be but did
not know how until now.  I suggest any woman who is feeling
overwhelmed invest in this program because it will change your

Elizabeth Langlois, Phoenix , AZ

techniques have helped me in all aspects of my life”

“I used your habit busting system many years ago to program myself
to become confident that I could pass the CPA exam and I’ve never
forgotten the principles you taught. 

The techniques have helped me in all aspects of my life, from
moving past the fear of passing my exam to losing 23 pounds and
starting an exercise program that I now love. 

And I must say I
have a pretty good life now thanks to the wisdom I learned from you
not working so hard to achieve your goals but to use your mind

Peggy Ross, New York

“Lee Milteer’s Habit Busting stimulates new
possibilities instantly!”

“Lee Milteer’s Habit Busting stimulates new possibilities instantly! I
loved it and recommend it to anyone
wants to feel good about themselves, improve their self-esteem and
get rid of any bad habit.  I personally have stopped overeating at
night from depression or boredom. 

have started a walking program in the morning, which has helped me
lose the extra weight that I have been trying to lose for five
years.  My
friends and family have all noticed a huge change for the better
my personality. Thank you!”

Mary Ann Casey , Ontario Canada

“We have a Lee Milteer Fan club here and we
wanted to thank you for all your wisdom that makes our lives so much

“Your habit busting program is splendid! I own a Real Estate company
and we realtors had developed some very bad habits such as being
late, putting off paperwork, and not being organized. Since
we purchased your system for our staff, we have received nothing but
very enthusiastic responses from our members.

get a “thank you” almost every day from the people who have now
taken back their lives and feel in control again. Some of our people
started a weight loss club and have lost more than 104 pounds
combined in just a few months.

We have a Lee Milteer Fan club here and we wanted to thank
you for all your wisdom
makes our lives so much easier.”

Paul S. Gorkin 
Gorkin Reality, GA.

“I have lost 34 pounds, and learned to put my
health and needs first.”

“Talk about feeling motivated again!  I invested in Lee Milteer’s
Habit Busting System and I am truly excited about life again. I
have learned to stop saying yes when I want to say no.
liberating it has been to learn to nurture myself and give myself
permission to be whom and what I want to be. 

have stopped being a people pleaser, lost 34 pounds, and learned to
put my health and needs first. God bless Lee Milteer and God bless
this program. It’s inspiring and contains more truth on
living a successful life than any other program I have ever had
I just love listening to Lee every morning as I drive to work.”

Nancy Myers, Washington , D.C.

“I had tried willpower, and everything else to
become organized and nothing had assisted me till I found and used
Lee’s program.”

“Lee Milteer’s Habit Busting System allowed me to come away with
useable solutions and strategies on how to break my old negative
habits and turn that same energy into positive habits. I
had tried willpower, and everything else to become organized and
nothing had assisted me till I found and used Lee’s program.

My office, house and car were beyond out of control to the point I
did not want anyone to see them. This Habit Busting system assisted
me in finding out why I could not get the energy to be an organized
person. I was a perfectionist! As Lee says, give up that label and
change your life forever.This came true for me.

have shared this program with my daughters and each of them has
become a better mother, wife and businessperson because of Lee
Milteer’s teaching.

would recommend this program to anyone who feels frustrated with
their past behaviors and wants to be free of the past. This
was so much easier than I ever thought
I so wish I could have invested in this program years ago. Thank

Ann McClain, South Carolina

“We have noticed, since your program, a
twenty-five percent increase in sales volume.”

“Thank you for your program on Habit Busting. My sales staff has
really lost marketing shares in our territory due to bad working
habits, poor time management, poor organizational skills,
procrastination and other profit-losing habits.

You had a pretty tough audience with us and you did an
excellent job
for our sales force helping them move past
their old programming and creating a new plan of action. As you
know, the competition in New York City is fierce but habit busting
was very helpful.

Our sales people need all the self-esteem help they can get. We have
noticed, since your program, a
twenty-five percent increase in sales volume.

David L Payne, VP, Copies for You, New York

“I LOVED the Habit Busting system… I have
finally found ways to reprogram myself to be calm and in control.”

“I LOVED the Habit Busting system! I could not recommend this
program any more highly! Anyone
can learn from this program
it generates energy, enthusiasm and positive feelings for yourself
and gives you the confidence to try anything and know you can be

personally am pleased to report that after many years of having a
really bad temper, which hurt my personal relationships and
business, I have
finally found ways to reprogram myself to be calm and in control.

have seen an improvement in my mental state of mind and that led to
a promotion and raise at work. All
I can do is say THANK YOU for this information
allows us to truly be in charge of our destinies again.”

Mark Strickland , Maryland

“This is the only program that has actually
given me the tools, motivation and a system to root out what was
causing me to have bad habits.”

“After listening to Lee on the HABIT BUSTING program, I was able to
see my job, my life and myself in a different light. I
have been challenged to ‘seize’ the personal and professional
are available to me and take advantage of them.

have released the need to act on several negative habits such as
overspending, mismanagement of time, and the most important one of
all. I quit
 This is
the only program that has actually given me the tools, motivation
and a system to root out what was causing me to have bad habits.

am proud to say that you gave me the “tomorrow Awareness of my
behaviors” and that changed
my life forever.”

Dr. Janice Strong, Vermont

“I have now lost 82 pounds and I have 18 more
to go to get to my 100-pound goal. Keep up the wonderful work!”

“I just loved your habit busting program. Your
content was informative, enlightening, humorous, and done in an
enthusiastic manner.
enjoyed learning about how to move past the Scarlett O’Hara
mentality and understand why I use my habits to reduce my stress.

now understand that instant gratification has risks and that I do
have the power to have the discipline to control my life. I have now
lost 82 pounds and I have 18 more to go to get to my 100-pound goal.

If I can do this program and make it work where no other diet
programs have worked for me — anyone
can do it.
up the wonderful work!”

Maureen Stakes, Virginia



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